Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Unit 2: Commedia dell'Arte Task 5--Personal Evaluation of Performance Task 1 (Final)

Part 1: Performance Task 1 Self-Assessment 
What choices did you make for your rough draft performance? I made choices such as different facial expressions, different body movements, and changes that expressed and showed the stock character I was acting. 
How much time did you spend practicing for your performance? I spent 10 minutes everyday researching and practicing my character and kept on working on it until it satisfied me. 
What specific feedback did you get from your Rough Draft performance? The feedback that I got was that I should look less paranoid but more lonely and left out.
What did you choose to change for your Final Performance? I chose to change my facial expressions and body movements to fit my character. 
How did you feel your Final performance went? I feel like my performance went better than last time because I improved and changed my performance based on what my feedback said. 
What specific feedback did you get? To be more hunched over, seem more sad, act more lonely, don't smile so much. 
What score would you give your performance out of 10 using Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
I think I would give it a 6ish because I showed understanding in what a stock character was and I showed understanding in how to perform the stock character I chose. 

Part 2: Performance Task 1 Peer Assessment 
Pick someone who's character is completely opposite than the one you chose. 
Evaluate their character based on what you know about the character. 
How close did they come? What did you like about their performance? I chose Sapphire, she did a really good job with her character. She used a lot of movement and facial expressions to show that she was mysterious. 
What do you think they could have improved from their performance? I think she could have improved by making a little longer and engaging the audience a little more in her performance. 
What score out of 10 would you give them using the Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
would give her a 9/10 because she did a really good job and she showed a lot of understanding in her character and Commedia.

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