Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Unit 2: Commedia dell'Arte Task 5--Personal Evaluation of Performance Task 1 (Final)

Part 1: Performance Task 1 Self-Assessment 
What choices did you make for your rough draft performance? I made choices such as different facial expressions, different body movements, and changes that expressed and showed the stock character I was acting. 
How much time did you spend practicing for your performance? I spent 10 minutes everyday researching and practicing my character and kept on working on it until it satisfied me. 
What specific feedback did you get from your Rough Draft performance? The feedback that I got was that I should look less paranoid but more lonely and left out.
What did you choose to change for your Final Performance? I chose to change my facial expressions and body movements to fit my character. 
How did you feel your Final performance went? I feel like my performance went better than last time because I improved and changed my performance based on what my feedback said. 
What specific feedback did you get? To be more hunched over, seem more sad, act more lonely, don't smile so much. 
What score would you give your performance out of 10 using Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
I think I would give it a 6ish because I showed understanding in what a stock character was and I showed understanding in how to perform the stock character I chose. 

Part 2: Performance Task 1 Peer Assessment 
Pick someone who's character is completely opposite than the one you chose. 
Evaluate their character based on what you know about the character. 
How close did they come? What did you like about their performance? I chose Sapphire, she did a really good job with her character. She used a lot of movement and facial expressions to show that she was mysterious. 
What do you think they could have improved from their performance? I think she could have improved by making a little longer and engaging the audience a little more in her performance. 
What score out of 10 would you give them using the Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
would give her a 9/10 because she did a really good job and she showed a lot of understanding in her character and Commedia.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My thoughts on class performance.

I chose being the outcast because I have watched a lot of movies and I felt confident with pretending to be the outcast.
The outcast is a character that is lonely, gets bullied a lot, doesn't get noticed, is ignored by the majority of the school, it tries to stay invisible.
Physically, the character slouches, tries to not get noticed.
when playing the outcast, I think you need to emphasize your facial expressions and your shoulders. You would need to slouch all the time and keep your head down.
I chose to pretend to be in a school hallway and try to talk to people, but got ignored.
The feedback I got was  that I shouldn't smile and that I shouldn't look so paranoid.
I can improve by not smiling and looking like I'm not so lost and just pretend to be invisible.
I think that Ayasha should be able to actually act like a social butterfly, talk a lot, and act very social.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Stock characters

I think characters that are in present day secondary schools are:
1. The popular girls.- Snobby, know-it-alls, show off-y, confident.
2. The popular guys/jocks.- Sporty, show offs, know-it-alls.
3. The less popular (people who usually hang out in their own type of 'cliques'). - less confident but confident in who they are and what they're doing, smartish, less show off-y but isn't afraid to raise their hand in class.
4. The 'less noticed' people (wannabe's) .- Not very confident, low self esteem, want to be apart of the popular 'group' etc.
5. The smart people who like to be isolated or left alone. -Very low self esteem, not confident at all, invisible to the crowd, likes not to be noticed, doesn't raise their hand in class, also known as the out cast.
6. The nerds.- Smart, raises hand in class all the time, teachers pet. Etc.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Identity; the masks we wear.

After watching the film, I realized that we all wear different 'masks' that basically shows our different moods and personalities. I think that throughout the day we all have different masks that describe our mood at that moment. For example, when in an uncomfortable situation such as being put on the spot in class to answer a question and you don't know the answer, I would probably describe that moment as embarrassing. So for that 'mask' I would think of different ways to describe the current mood with for example a color or a facial expression that fits with the situation.
In the video, the girl most likely seems insecure about herself so she tries to hide herself from public or from a crowd. Eventually the girl realizes that she is unique in her own way, and she shouldn't care about what people think of her. So she decides to take her mask off, and walk through life with confidence in herself and who she is.
I think everyone has a certain mask for different occasions.
Masks imply in my life as well, for example when I hang out with friends or if I do something I really like, I have a happy mask. I think this mask shows that I'm happy with what I'm doing and where I am. The pink brings out a soft gentle nature.

whenever I'm lonely or feel left out, I think I have a sad, mysterious mask on. I think this mask shows that my mood is now distant and the colors in my opinion look lonely and sad, and possibly isolated. 

If I ever go to a party or to a special event, I want to look my best and feel good about myself. I think this mask brings out the fanciness and the prettiness. The gold shows that it is special and all together the mask is looks beautiful. So I would use this mask if I were to ever feel beautiful.