Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Unit 2: (BLOG) Commedia dell'Arte Final Performance Task Rough Draft Reflection

Part 1: Evaluate your own performance using the language found on the performance rubric and Crit B descriptors. 
-What did you do well?  I think I that I used enough movement and language.
-What did feedback did you receive? What do you need to improve?  I think that I need to improve on eye contact with the audience and I think I need to improve more on not laughing and staying in character.
-What specific things will you do to improve before performance? I'll improve on keeping my character and maintaining eye contact with the audience. 
Part 2: Evaluate another group's rough draft (someone who didn't do as well as you) using the language found on the performance rubric and Crit B descriptors. 
-What did they do well? 
-What feedback would you give them? 
-What specific things could they do to improve before performance?
Part 3: Evaluate another group's rough draft (someone who you think performed better than you) using the language found on the performance rubric and Crit B descriptors. 
-What did they do well? 
-What feedback would you give them? 
-What specific things could they do to improve before performance?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Unit 2: Commedia dell'Arte Summative Performance Task 9-- Emotion & Language

In class, we were put into groups to experiment with the emotion, expression, and language of commedia dell'arte. I was grouped with Ayasha and kheilah because we chose contrasting characters. we came up with a few scenes to perform that had similar ideas but were slightly different. I was the first actress and Kheilah was my servant, and Ayasha was Brighella. we settled for a scene that showed all three aspects of Commedia Dell'Arte. In the scene the first actress gets engaged, the servant comes in and admires the ring, Brighella comes in and kisses the first actresses hand and steals the ring. The first actress faints and the servant is left to find the ring. Once the ring is found the scene ends.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Commedia'del arte task 7

Part one
What choices did you make for your rough draft performance? -The choices I made for my rough draft was that I added more hand movements.

How much time did you spend practicing for your performance? - I spent a few minutes everyday practicing my performance.

What specific feedback did you get from your Rough Draft performance? - The feedback that I got for my rough draft was that I should use more hip movements and that I should really exaggerate my movements. 

What did you choose to change for your Final Performance? - I chose to change the amount of movement to use for my hip movements.

How did you feel your Final performance went? - I feel like my final performance didn't go as well as I expected to go, I feel like I could stay in character and not laugh as much.

What specific feedback did you get? -I think it was to exaggerate my movements and to stay in character.

What score would you give your performance out of 10 using Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.
would probably give myself a 6 or a 7 because I used a lot of ideas and I worked hard on my performance. I feel like I did a satisfactory performance but I think I can improve on a few things.

Part two

Pick someone who's character is completely opposite than the one you chose. -
Abrar, because he was Harlequino  is a lot different to Brighella.
Evaluate their character based on what you know about the character.-
Abrar did a good job being Harlequino. Harlequino is supposed to be really funny and Abrar was funny. His body posture has improved from the other time and this time he wasn't as jumpy.
How close did they come? What did you like about their performance? -
I liked how Abrar made the whole audience laugh because of his funny movements and his body posture.
What do you think they could have improved from their performance? -
I think he could've improved on interacting with the audience a little more and not being as jumpy. 
What score out of 10 would you give them using the Criteria B descriptors? Explain why.-
I think that Abrar would get a 8 out of 10 because he used all of his ideas, he improved on all his mistakes, and I think he did a satisfactory performance.