Thursday, June 12, 2014

Unit 3: Romey & J (Blog 6) - Final Reflection

        For my rough draft performance, I practised ad tried to memorize my lines but I only managed to memorize the first page of my act. (Which was act 2, scene 5- the Lady Capulet and Juliet scene about marriage) I think I prepared for my rough draft at an okay level, I could have done better, and I can improve on my time management and memorized my lines a lot better.  
       There are a few elements in my performance that needs work such as memorizing my lines, stuttering, speaking clearing and projection. I could have done a lot better on those things if I practised more. For my rough draft performance there was barely an audience, so I don't know if they understood what the scene I performed was about, but I think they understood the basic concept about the scene. (Marriage) 
        To improve for my final performance, I worked on my projection and articulation and I tried to memorize most of my lines. I also working on blocking my script and practised my lines with emotion. My character was Lady Capulet so I had to talk like a strict mother, so I had to practice that. 

       I did feel like my final draft was an improvement from my rough draft because I felt like I knew what I was doing, even though I didn't memorize all my lines, but I did feel like I knew what I was supposed to do, I knew where to stand at specific times during my performance, I also felt like I improved my facial expressions.

        I was told to improve my transitions between emotions such as anger and happiness, I also needed to act like I had lots of authority and I had to be more convincing about having revenge on Romeo, I had to be a lot more "mother-like" because Lady Capulet was supposed to be comforting Juliet by telling her Romeo would be killed, and I was also told to memorize my lines.

       For my final draft, I worked on projection and articulation because speaking Shakespearean language is hard to pronounce and sometimes it is hard to understand- from an audience point of view. I think I did better this time for making it more clear that I was Lady Capulet because I tried to look like I had authority and I was Juliet's mother. I feel that I did meet the circumstances better than my rough draft, because this time I had improvements and feedback to look at. 

     During this unit of Romeo and Juliet, I feel like I understand the whole concept of "Tragic Love" a lot better, because I had the actors perspective when I had to perform a scene from Romeo and Juliet. I understand the characters and plot lines a lot more and it is easier to talk about Romeo and Juliet while acting out the scene when you actually understand what it is about. I do appreciate the actors/actresses that have to act out Romeo and Juliet, because it is really fun to recite Shakespearean language. Even though it is a lot of hard work and a lot of effort to put into memorizing lines, and blocking in scenes and staging, it is really fun in the end.

       There are a lot of acting skills that I have learned from this unit such as time management, learning lines, learning staging and blocking, taking rehearsals seriously, and performing really well. I think that using all those skills will really help in making a good performance, because you need preparation, managing your time well, and rehearsals to make a satisfactory performance. I also think researching the topic is a good skill to help with a performance, because you need to know what you are acting, and knowing the general plot line of the topic.